At kjønnsbekreftende medisinsk behandling gir økt livskvalitet og bedre mental helse hos personer med kjønnsdysfori har lenge vært godt dokumentert, og volumet av forskning er i sterk vekst. Her er et lite knippe av studier med høy faglig kvalitet som viser at kjønnsbekreftende behandling har en positiv effekt på transpersoners mentale helse og/eller livskvalitet. Endel av utvalget og oppsummeringene under er hentet fra Pasientorganisasjonen for kjønnsinkongruens (PKI) sine sider, og vil utvides med ny forskning etter hvert som det publiseres.

De fleste av disse studiene er markert med merkelappen systematisk oversikt. En systematisk oversikt er en studie som vurderer og oppsummerer funn fra all forskning av høy kvalitet som er relevant for en spesifikk problemstilling. Systematiske oversikter gis derfor i all hovedsak mer tyngde i vitenskapelige debatter enn enkeltstudier.

A systematic review of psychosocial functioning changes after gender-affirming hormone therapy among transgender people SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Doyle, D.M., Lewis, T.O.G. & Barreto, M. (2023). Nat Hum Behav 7, 1320-1331:

“This systematic review assessed the state and quality of evidence for effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy on psychosocial functioning. Forty-six relevant journal articles (six qualitative, 21 cross-sectional, 19 prospective cohort) were identified. Gender-affirming hormone therapy was consistently found to reduce depressive symptoms and psychological distress. Evidence for quality of life was inconsistent, with some trends suggesting improvements. […] Overall, risk of bias was highly variable between studies. Small samples and lack of adjustment for key confounders limited causal inferences. More high-quality evidence for psychosocial effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy is vital for ensuring health equity for transgender people.”

A Systematic Review of the Psychological Benefits of Gender-Affirming Surgery SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Jeremy A. Wernick mfl., Urologic Clinics (2019)

“This article uses a systematic review to examine the existing literature on the psychological benefits of GAS [Gender Affirming Surgery]. Findings from this review indicate that GAS can lead to multiple, significant improvements in psychological functioning. Methodological differences in the literature demonstrate the need for additional research to draw more definitive conclusions about the psychological benefits of GAS.”

Well-being and suicidality among transgender youth after gender-affirming hormones

Luke R. Allen mfl., Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology (2019)

“This study is a longitudinal evaluation of the effectiveness of gender-affirming hormones for improving psychological well-being and decreasing suicidality among transgender youth referred to a transgender health specialty clinic at a large Midwest children’s hospital. […] Results: After gender-affirming hormones, a significant increase in levels of general well-being and a significant decrease in levels of suicidality were observed. Conclusion: These findings suggest that gender-affirming hormones are a valuable medical intervention with promising psychosocial outcomes for transgender youth.”

Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study

Richard Bränström og John E Pachankis, American Journal of Psychiatry (2019)

“In this first total population study of transgender individuals with a gender incongruence diagnosis, the longitudinal association between gender-affirming surgery and reduced likelihood of mental health treatment lends support to the decision to provide gender-affirming surgeries to transgender individuals who seek them.”

Hormonal Treatment in Young People With Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

 Denise Chew mfl., Pediatrics (2018)

“GnRHas [Pubertetsblokkere] were observed to be associated with significant improvements in global functioning, depression and overall behavioral and/or emotional problems, but had no significant effect on symptoms of GD [Gender dysphoria]. The latter is probably not surprising, because GnRHas cannot be expected to lessen the dislike of existing physical sex characteristics associated with an individual’s birth-assigned sex nor satisfy their desire for the physical sex characteristics of their preferred gender.”

A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study of Multidimensional Body Image in Adolescents and Adults with Gender Dysphoria Before and After Transition-Related Medical Interventions

Inga Becker mfl., Archives of Sexual Behavior (2018)

“Individuals who had undergone transition-related medical interventions presented a significantly better body image on two of the four scales. Differences according to gender and age were also present. These findings suggest that medical interventions, especially gender-affirming hormones and surgery, are generally beneficial to the body image in individuals with GD. However, not all of the less favorable outcomes in multidimensional body image were positively influenced by the treatment conditions and may thus benefit from additional integrative counseling before and during transition.”

What Does the Scholarly Research Say about the Effect of Gender Transition on Transgender Well-Being? SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Cornell University (2017)

“This search found a robust international consensus in the peer-reviewed literature that gender transition, including medical treatments such as hormone therapy and surgeries, improves the overall well-being of transgender individuals. The literature also indicates that greater availability of medical and social support for gender transition contributes to better quality of life for those who identify as transgender.”

Testosterone Therapy for Transgender Men SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Michael S Irwig, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology (2017)

“Conclusions: Within several months of starting testosterone therapy, transgender men begin to notice many desired effects, including increased facial and body hair, increased lean mass and strength, decreased fat mass, deepened voice, increased sexual desire, cessation of menstruation, clitoral enlargement, and reductions in gender dysphoria, perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. ”

The effect of cross-sex hormonal treatment on gender dysphoria individuals’ mental health: a systematic review SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Rosalia Costa og Marco Colizzi, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (2016)

“Overall, this review demonstrates that cross-sex hormonal treatment has definite effects on mental health, generally ameliorating gender dysphoria individuals’ well-being at different levels. […] More specifically, when treated with hormone therapy, gender dysphoria individuals reported less anxiety, dissociation, perceived stress, social distress, and higher mental health-related quality of life and self-esteem.”

Hormonal Therapy and Sex Reassignment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Outcomes SYSTEMATISK OVERSIKT

Mohammad Hassan Murad mfl., Clinical Endocrinology (2010)

“Pooling across studies shows that after sex reassignment, 80% of individuals with GID [Gender identity disorder] reported significant improvement in gender dysphoria, 78% reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms, 80% reported significant improvement in quality of life and 72% reported significant improvement in sexual function”

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